Friday, February 25, 2005

A very good list of electronically available lecture notes on
category theory
, taken from Kurz homepage:

M. Caccamo, J.M.E. Hyland, G. Winskel:
Lecture Notes
in Category Theory.
BRICS Lecture Series, 2001.

M. Fokkinga:

A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory - the calculational
University of Utrecht, 1992.

Chris Hillman: A
Categorical Primer.
August 2001.

Tom Leinster:

Category Theory.

This page contains an informal
introduction to category theory and, for example, a nice explanation
of the Yoneda Lemma.

Jaap van Oosten:
Basic Category Theory.

D. Turi: Category
Theory Lecture Notes.
LFCS, Univeristy of Edinburgh, 2001.

Indiana University Math departmant: magazine articles